Newgrounds Radio is a weekly podcast, hosted by DJ Orange and DJ Sierra, letting you hear the best NG has to offer, as well as artist you may not have heard of.
If you're looking for exposure, or simply want to listen to up-and-coming artists, subscribe by clicking the buttons above!
Currently we need:
*ANYONE involved in the audio comunity to interview (All shapes and sizes, from listeners to Artists)
*Someone knowledgeable with HTML/CSS
*Someone adapt at flash (would like to streamline the site a bit more)
If ANY of this seems interesting to you, please post on the BBS, and one of the staff will contact you.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Newgrounds Radio Episode 24
First off, I’d like to say that I’m officially back
Where have I been for over 2 weeks?
*My computer broke
It’s been in bad shape for about 1 year now
The power port was messing up.
It was acting really bad one day, and I eventually realize that I smell smoke. Sure enough the power port is SMOKING. Silly me, I actually try to put it in again,
My BLUE powerlight starts to crackle electricity.
*While my computer was broken, I played TF2 a LOT on my 360. I now have around 150 hours on that game. That may seem like a lot, but ask yourself how long you guys have used the internet, or played COD4/ Gears of War/ Halo3, and challenge you to do better…
*ContentLost is in the process of moving. Which is why she hasn’t posted for a while. Also, she seems to have given up on recreating the picture, so we have to keep the old one until someone is kind enough to step forward and help us.
*I played baseball for like the first time in like 5 years, and I played golf the day after. It is now 2 days after, and my shoulders, back, and legs all feel like they’re in fire when I get up.
*Also, new intro song.. This is the orginal version. I like the newer version better, but i can't find it, and the video he just ends up creaping me out...
*Also, my manditory TF2 Video. This one is rather funnny. I love how the spy is portrayed as a pedo, and how he's a complete perv with his cloaking... A little vulger, so i would suggest not playing it at work, or if you're under 18 (But you're going to anyway...)
~EnV~ Heaven
~EnV~Heaven Rd. 2 (Ng mix)
~EnV~Heaven Rd. 3
Dream of Water and Land
[space man]
Evolved (Original Mix)
The Final Fantasy
Pumping Pulse
[SA] Clouds
Newgrounds Radio Episode 23- VG Raphsody Episode 2
Hey guys!! I know its been a while but I was away having technical problems... All that aside I'm happy to announce that my second show is here!! Nothing much to update, this episode is all Halo music as voted on by you the listeners. I posted the poll for next weeks episode which will be on time now that I have everything situated. Hope yous guys enjoy the show!!
Halo Theme 3 Pianos
Halo Spongey Remix
Halo 1 Kick*** Dark Theme
Halo Ultimate Reborn
Master Chief's Seizure
Halo 3 Never Forget Remix
Unforgotten Hero
Black Halo
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Newgrounds Radio Episode 22- Newgrounds Beat! Drum and Bass
Hey everybody and welcome to the Newgrounds beat! As you can tell I have an intro song now and its put together a little bit better
Today's show is going to be all about drum and bass. But first I wanted to thank Content lost for the help hunting for the last three songs…so thank you very much! And on a bit of a side note, Dj orange may be running a little behind this week cause his computer went caplooie so I thought that I should you know before we have a stream of complaints or somthing...he should be back eventually... email at the Address is on the cite if you don’t know how to spell it.
1) What We Are (ID: 138205) - Decepticon420
2) -Dark Dreams- (ID: 79250) - Waterflame
3) Megaman2-wilys castle remix (ID: 43356) - dj_rec0il
4) PandoraTranquil - Transcape (ID: 89533) - Pandora-tranquil
5) Street Drift (ID: 109082) - Soothsage
6) These Mistakes Are Mine Alone (ID: 124778) - nubbinownz
7) Sonic Colours (ID: 137158) - trogdar
8) [ turn around ] (ID: 151351) - boney-man
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Newgrounds Radio Episode 21
Hey guys, this is going to be my 20th episode.
*ContentLost is (hopefully) drawing us a new Itunes button, so we may be able to change our logo into something that will showcase ALL the DJ's..
Probably can't remember all the stuff i was SUPPOSED to put here, but i'll just add it later...
When I Wake
~Fall~ by Caleb
Piano in the Rain (Studio)
Dark Oasis - Pages of Time
It's only natural
Silver Light
Jumping Space (Remastered)
Natural Energy
Era Of Life 2